Electric Universe Agency is your best partner for corporate videos. We have made a series of packages to help you decided what would be the most fitting for your next development!


1 – Clean Background Company Introduction | 乾淨的背景公司介紹

Ideal for a fast and simple communication video, for example a short company introduction or product announcement. We will shoot at your location with one camera and minimal light and sound, it will still look professional and sleek looking. From 6 000 NTD depending on the extend of the interview.

非常適合快速簡單的溝通視頻,例如簡短的公司介紹或產品公告。我們將使用一台相機在您的位置進行拍攝,並使用最少的燈光和聲音,它仍然看起來專業且時尚。 6,000新台幣起,視面試時間長短而定。

2. Studio 2 Cameras Company Introduction | 2 台相機工作室拍攝公司介紹

To look even more professional, and captivate your audience, shooting in a studio with controlled light and background is the best solution. We will bring two professional cameras and use a studio with a more interesting environment. We can integrate a logo and a a few titles. Start at 12 000 NTD, depending on the complexity of the shoot. Click here to watch our example video: https://vimeo.com/767185073

為了看起來更專業並吸引觀眾,在具有受控燈光和背景的工作室中拍攝是最好的解決方案。我們會帶兩台專業相機,並使用環境更有趣的工作室。我們可以整合一個徽標和一些標題。起價 12,000 新台幣,具體取決於拍攝的複雜程度。點擊此處觀看我們的範例影片:https://vimeo.com/767185073

3. Studio 2 Cameras Company Introduction with B Rolls | 2 台相機工作室拍攝公司介紹與 B rolls

On top of using two professional cameras shoot at a studio with a more interesting environment, we will also come shoot additional footage to show precisely to your audience your activity, and how it will benefit them. We can integrate a logo and a a few titles. Start at 20 000 NTD, depending on the complexity of the shoot. Click here to watch our example video: https://vimeo.com/767184840

除了使用兩台專業攝影機在環境中更有趣的工作室拍攝之外,我們還將拍攝額外的鏡頭,向您的觀眾準確展示您的活動,以及這將如何使他們受益。我們可以整合一個徽標和一些標題。起價 20,000 台幣,視拍攝複雜程度而定。點擊此處觀看我們的範例影片:https://vimeo.com/767184840

4. “Our Values” Corporate Video | “我們的價值觀”企業視頻

“Our Values” is a template we can use to communicate a strong branding to your customers. This is very impactful to companies working on the field. We will follow you during your company activities and direct you to look the best on camera. Starting at 25 000 NTD, click here to see our example video: https://vimeo.com/1009084357

「我們的價值觀」是我們可以用來向您的客戶傳達強大品牌的模板。這對於從事該領域工作的公司來說非常有影響。我們將在您的公司活動期間追蹤您,並指導您在鏡頭前展現最好的一面。 25,000 新台幣起,點擊此處觀看我們的範例影片:https://vimeo.com/1009084357

5. Company Presentation Documentary | 公司介紹紀錄片

A Company Presentation Documentary is the ultimate way to showcase your company ability, reach, values and professionalism. We will follow you and your team with several camera, drones and shoot a proper documentary. Styling and make up will be also done by us, to make sure your company looks amazing! Starting at 100 000 NTD, click here to see our example video: https://vimeo.com/1009088151

公司示範紀錄片是展示公司能力、影響力、價值觀和專業的終極方式。我們將用多台攝影機、無人機追蹤您和您的團隊,並拍攝一部合適的紀錄片。造型和化妝也將由我們完成,以確保您的公司看起來很棒! 100 000 新台幣起,點擊此處觀看我們的範例影片:https://vimeo.com/1009088151