Electric Universe Agency is your partner of choice for Beauty &. Fashion photography and videos. We have made a series of packages to help you decided what would be the most fitting for your next development!
Electric Universe Agency 是您美容與美容的首選合作夥伴。時尚攝影和影片。我們製作了一系列的軟體包來幫助您決定什麼最適合您的下一個開發!

1 – Allure Video With Fashion Model | 與時裝模特兒的誘惑視頻

Our extensive experience in the movie industry easily translate into beautiful high-end videos for luxury good products. We know the great locations in Taiwan (this exemple was shot in Taiwan), and across the world that will make your product stand out. Also, we have a partnership with the biggest model agency for imternational models in Taiwan, so we can get the best of the best for your companie’s image. From 400 000 NTD incluing models rights. Example video here: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/1010969614

2 Beauty Product Introduction | 美容產品介紹

Beauty, fashion and luxury products needs to be filmed with the best light and the cleanest techniques. At Electric Universe Agency, we have spent years developping the skills necessary to make your product look the best. In this example, we have one product, and three actresses. Starting at 150 000 NTD. Example video here: https://vimeo.com/799346565

美容、時尚和奢侈品需要用最好的光線和最乾淨的技術來拍攝。在 Electric Universe Agency,我們花了數年時間開發必要的技能,以使您的產品看起來最好。在此範例中,我們有一種產品和三位女演員。 15萬新台幣起。範例影片在這裡:https://vimeo.com/799346565

3 – Clinic Opening

If you are opening a new shop or clinic, and want to show to your customers the level of attention that you have put in the details, we can help you stand out. Starting at 35 000 NTD. Example video here: https://vimeo.com/788877608

如果您要開設新商店或診所,並希望向客戶展示您對細節的關注程度,我們可以幫助您脫穎而出。新台幣 35,000 元起。範例影片:https://vimeo.com/788877608