Electric Universe Agency is your best partner for food photography. We have made a series of packages to help you decided what would be the most fitting for your delicious creations!

Electric Universe Agency 是您美食攝影的最佳合作夥伴。 我們製作了一系列套餐,幫助您決定最適合您的美味佳餚!

1 – Clean No Background Photography | 乾淨無背景攝影

Ideal for menus, no Background is the simplest way to shoot food. From 6000 NTD depending on the extend of your menu.

理想的菜單,無背景是拍攝食物最簡單的方法。 6000 新台幣起,取決於菜單的內容。

2 – Minimalist Design Photography | 極簡設計攝影

A paper background and a few decoration items go a long way, we can design a perky decor that will make great impact on your customers. It is a more modern design that will appeal to younger customers. From 8 500 NTD depending on the extend of your menu.

透過簡單的紙張背景和一些裝飾物品,我們可以設計出活潑的裝飾,對您的客戶產生巨大的影響。這是一種更現代的設計,將吸引年輕顧客。 8 500 新台幣起,取決於菜單的內容。

3 – Fully Decorated Table | 裝飾齊全的桌子

With more time, we can create unique and story telling decors that will convey a very high end atmosphere to your customers. Flowers, plants and textured background make a great visual impact. From 11 000 NTD depending on the extend of your menu.

只要有更多的時間,我們就可以創造出獨特且有故事的裝飾,為您的客戶傳達非常高端的氛圍。花卉、植物和紋理背景產生巨大的視覺衝擊力。11 000 新台幣起,取決於菜單的內容。

4 – Movie like Shooting | 類似射擊的電影

Because your work deserve the best, we can the best possible impression by creating a movie set and designing the most unique and moving pictures possible. Just like movies, beautiful advertisement lasts forever, which is why it is the preferred style of international brands. From 60 000 NTD depending on the extend of the shooting.

因為您的作品值得最好的,所以我們可以透過創造電影佈景和設計最獨特、最動人的畫面來給您留下最好的印象。就像電影一樣,美麗的廣告歷久彌新,這也是國際品牌首選的風格。60 000 新台幣起,取決於菜單的內容。

Some nice shots by EUA | EUA 的一些精彩鏡頭